We are proud to announce the 9-day intensive training program, organized by HUBrussel, sponsored by VLIR-UOS, and staffed by Cycloop, entitled:
Facilitating multi-actor collaboration for sustainable resources management
Brussels (Belgium), May 31 - June 9, 2010
The training course is focused on the social process knowledge and skills to facilitate multi-actor collaboration. Multi-actor collaboration is a promising approach to face complex problems with multiple interdependent actors. The application is situated in local and regional initiatives related to sustainable resources management, like irrigation and drinking water, nature conservation, catchment management, mining conflicts, forestation, etc.
The course is based on the principles of experiential learning. We invite participants to use their own experiences with multi-actor collaborative initiatives as an input for the course. The course starts with a multi-actor simulation to provide shared experiences on which we can reflect and build during the following course days. All sessions will be highly interactive.
We invite particpants from North and South. The tuition fee is 1000 €. This amount includes administration fee, lecture materials, coffee/tea and lunches. There are 14 fellowships available for participants from developing countries, funded by VLIR-UOS. The fellowships include tuition fee, travel and accommodation.
For more information, consult www.hubrussel.be/multi-actor